Under Development



Inspired by Five Nights at Freddy's

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After the close of Robotic Industry for the terrible fails in their two last projects, Leughtnovo decided buy the rest of RI, after the buy of the tiny company, Victor Fun Cats, now Leughtnovo plans to do a internal alliance and build the ultimate technology in the robotic industry, starting with the redesign of ther pets, Obolf and Victorino... but seems here is an infiltrate.

Obolf's Nights: The Alliance is an fan-game of the videogames saga, Five Nights at Freddy's in wich has been combined two universe of games, Obolf's Nights and Five Nights at Victorino's.

You are the security guard in this new stablishment of Leughtnovo, Obolf and Victor are doing a visit with their friends, only to you.

System Requirements
OS Windows Vista
Processor Intel Core 2 Duo
RAM minimum 768MB
Space in disk 250mb available
Resolution 1280x720 minimum
Graphic Card GDDR2 - 256mb

JayBran and DavidQuint

Reiner Aponte and DavidQuint

Voice Actors
SamHandSome, FD Music and R.Suzukaze

Special thanks
Finest H, R.Suzukaze and Neomart

Main used Fonts
"Top Secret Stamp", "Pixellari", "Coolvetica"
All rights to dafont.

Original idea
Scott Cawthon

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